

During this season, as a precautionary measure, we strongly encourage online giving (Givelify, Cash App). If you are unsure how to use any of the online giving methods, please call the church office or consult a youth or young adult for guidance.
Become a Hope Partner today!
Give a minimum of $40 above and beyond your tithes. As a hope partner you covenant with us and our efforts to provide hope centered ministry to our church and community. Call or visit the Church Office for more information.
Faith Givers
Faith Givers covenant with us by committing to sacrifice a offering of any amount over and above tithes and offerings on a weekly/monthly basis.
Thank you for your interest in supporting our ministry. For your convenience, we provide several different ways for you to give:
You can give by cash or check during offering.
You can send a check by mail to New Hope Missionary Baptist Church, 1303 Hawthorne Lane, Charlotte, NC 28205
You can download the ‘Givelify’ app (search New Hope Baptist Church) on your smartphone or tablet to give your tithes and offerings. Anywhere! Anytime!
Cash App
You can give via Cash App by using $NewHopeNation.
What is a tithe and how is it different from an offering?
The word, “tithe” literally means tenth or 10%. A tithe is the first 10% of your income. An offering is anything you give above and beyond the 10%.
Why do we tithe?
The Bible says that the purpose of tithing is to teach you to always fear God and put God first in your life (Deuteronomy 14:23). Tithing is a reminder that God is the supplier of everything we have. It is also God’s personal invitation to an outpouring of his blessing in your life (Malachi 3:10 & Luke 6:38).